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When Paul McAllister discovers he isn’t very successful at life or golf, a golfer Paul knows simply as the Old Pro begins to share practical insights that apply to more than his golf swing. The Mulligan Journal features insights and journaling prompts about how mulligans apply to everyday life. Each page is your opportunity to reflect on the Ultimate Mulligan that God offers to help you discover and deepen your real purpose every day.
Like having the Old Pro beside you, this interactive journal helps you prepare for the day, prioritizing your relationships over your tasks, and asking God for his help. Record your “solid shots” and “need a mulligan” moments — what you did well each week and the areas where you’d like a do-over. Pray over specific lists each week of people, relationships, and concerns and record God’s faithfulness as he responds to your prayers. Play with Jesus as your Caddy, Brother, and Friend in life — starting each day in conversation with him using The Mulligan Journal.