Chris Tiegreen has taught history as visiting lecturer and political science as adjunct at Georgia State University. His most recent research focuses on Christian materiality in late medieval/early modern Europe and cross-cultural studies on how other-worldly concepts shape this-world societies. His teaching interests further include the ancient Mediterranean world and Asian cultural history. He holds degrees from Georgia State University (Ph.D., history; M.A., political science), Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and the University of Georgia (A.B.J., journalism).
Summary CV
Ph.D., History, Georgia State University
• Early Modern Europe, World History, Cultural History
• Dissertation: Heaven on Earth in Medieval Europe: Material Expressions of an Immaterial Realm
M.A., Political Science, Georgia State University
• International Relations, Southeast Asia
• Thesis: Military Intervention and Party System Institutionalization: a Comparison of the Philippines, Thailand, and Taiwan
M.Div., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
• Missions, Church Planting
A.B.J., Journalism, University of Georgia
• News Writing and Reporting, Publication Management
Research and Teaching Interests
Christian History
• late medieval/early modern material culture
• the early church
• modern missions movements
Asian History
• Southeast Asian cultural history
• Indian Ocean commercial/cultural networks
Ancient Mediterranean
• Hellenism
• the Roman Empire
History of Religion
• paradises, heavens, and utopias across cultures
• Jewish history
• the spread of Buddhism
“Ignatius Loyola and the Founding of the Jesuits,” in Religion and World Civilizations: How Faith Shaped Societies from Antiquity to the Present. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio (forthcoming, Spring 2023).
“Gregorian Reform,” in Religion and World Civilizations: How Faith Shaped Societies from Antiquity to the Present. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio (forthcoming, Spring 2023).
“Following the Template of Heaven: Environmental Policy in Medieval Italy,” World History Connected 18:2, June 2021 (
"The City as Sacred Space: The Imitation of Heaven in Angkor, Bali, and Northern Italy," annual conference of the Southeast World History Association, November 2022.
“Following the Template of Heaven: Environmental Policy in Medieval Italy,” annual conference of the World History Association, July 2021.
“When Angels Fell: Rebellion and the Nature of God in Augustine and Peter Lombard,” International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, England, July 2018.
“A Recurring Identity Crisis: Luxury, Class, and Values in Ancient Rome and Early Modern Europe,” annual conference of Association of Historians at Georgia State University, Atlanta, 2017.
“Political Parties and Democratic Consolidation: Can Emerging Democracies Function without Strong Parties?” annual conference of the Georgia Political Science Association, Savannah, 1998.
American Historical Association
World History Association | Southeast World History Association
Georgia Association of Historians
American Society of Church History
Society for Utopian Studies