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You were created in the image of God, which means that many of your feelings are echoes of his own. But you've been told not to trust your emotions — that they are not a significant part of your relationship with him. If God wants our minds and our actions to align with his nature, why wouldn't he also want our feelings to align with his heart? What if synchronizing with his compassion, joy, anger, grief, jealousy — all of which are thoroughly scriptural feelings of God — is a huge part of what it means to follow him?
Millions of people feel distant and disconnected from God because they have focused exclusively on reading God's Word and doing it, not realizing that emotional bonds are vital to relationships. We don't determine truth by our feelings but, as in any relationship, we grow closer to God through them. Feeling Like God makes a compelling case that the emotional side of discipleship is a vital but missing ingredient in knowing him.